Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December 2

So I AM RELIEVED that you have been so kind as to give us the slides to focus on. This will relieve a lot of stress and much needed time. Anyway...I am ready to study...I think that is. I must admit that I wish we had the slides at the begininning of class that we need to focus on. However, I do see your point in why you are waiting until the end of class. We would all focus on those slides instead of the ones in the powerpoint that you are going over. I am still freaked out about the 2nd excel assignment so expect to see me in your office thursday or friday...me and Ashley that is. Still can't believe she laughed during my news report. I personally felt that mine was rather interesting at least in comparison to some of the others. I feel like we have had a lot of reports on robots lately. Apparently this is becoming a leading topic when it comes to discussing technology news. I did find that filling out teacher recomendations is actually rather interesting. I appreciate that Chapman values our opinions, there's nothing worse than having a horrible teacher, luckily I do not have any of those this semester. It is very hard to concentrate knowing that the semester is amost over. However, learning about the cycle that prototypes go through was rather interesting to learn about. I never knew there was so much information regarding prototypes. The one thing that I like about this class is that everything we learn seems to link to other things we have already learned in the class, which is nice because this makes it easier to understand.

November 25

Well since this lecture was two days before thanksgiving I think that my brain had checked out at this point.  Trying to retain information seemed hopeless since this was my last class before I could go home and focus all of my energy on cooking and eating.  However, I still hadn't finished my excel homework that was due on Dec. 1 so it was helpful that you were able to stay after class.  I found this homework to be a lot easier than I had first thought, but unfortunately I cannot say the same about the one that is due on friday.  I thought it was kind of funny that more than half of our class was not there on tuesday, most people had probably already gone on vacation, the only other problem is that those of us who were in class had already mentally gone on vacation.  Anyway overall this class is actually pretty interesting because I feel like we are learning information that will actually help us in the future.  I mean I don't really have a strong desire to learn about computers, however, I think that it is more than necessary.  I did enjoy that we got out a little bit early.  I can honestly say though that this class is the scariest one I think in terms of finals.  I have NO IDEA how I am going to be able to do well on this final and that freaks me out.  But I guess we'll see how it goes :).  I hope everyone had a good THANKSGIVING.  Mine was nice.  Time to go find a news report for today.

Friday, November 21, 2008

November 20

Well...today was the second day of excel in class demonstrations.  I did not feel as confident as I did after the first excel demonstration.  I think that this class was a tad bit on the difficult side.  I do not think it is necessarily that difficult, I'm just scared about doing the homework.  I feel like learning all of this information in one session is difficult to then be able to replicate what you are doing when you get home.  I know that in community college you take an entire class just on microsoft office.  Anyway, I just think overall that the school is expecting us to learn a lot of information in a brief amount of time.  However, I do not think that this is the opinion of everyone in the class.  A lot of people are naturally gifted with being good at using computers and they can seem to pick things up with ease, I unfortunately, am not one of those people.  owell.  I looked over the homework and I am not sure how I am going to be able to do the homework, I do not think that I was able to completely understand everything we went over in class on thursday, I think it seems rather complex.  So basically, expect to see me on tuesday with numerous questions :).  Anywho, I think I'm going to go and attempt to try and do this homework.  I am going to do it on my MAC, so I hope it will turn out the same as it would on a PC.  If not I'll have to wait until I'm at school on Tuesday to work on it.  (I would drive but I live in Belmont Shore...not exactly around the corner).  Anyway, time to go enjoy the weekend... :) only 3 more weeks of school left!!

November 18

So today was the first day of learning excel.  I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was.  I was sort of nervous since I find myself to generally be computer challenged, however, it was not all that difficult.  I think my main problem with this Demonstration was that I have a MAC and I was using a PC.  I have excel for MAC and they are surprisingly different in my opinion.  I think that today went very smoothly.  I think it was easy to follow along with what you were saying and doing in class during the demonstration.  The pace we went at was a good one, I did not feel like I missed anything and we went slow enough that at least us in the back row were able to help each other out when we got sidetracked or confused.  I am pretty excited about excel because I feel like this is something that we will be using a lot in business.  I have already had a few jobs where we had to know how to use excel.  I think that access was interesting to learn but might not be as necessary as excel.  :)  I looked at the homework and it seems to be quite manageable so hopefully I will be able to figure it out before the holidays.  

Sunday, November 16, 2008

November 13

So ...today I was unfortunately not in class mainly because I started this alkaline diet and I have been doing wonderful at it for about 2 wks and have completely detoxed my body from preservatives and all the bad things that comes along with eating poorly.  Anywho...Wednesday night I had a meltdown and found myself starving and at about midnight I drove to In-N-Out and ordered fries and a cheeseburger ...amazing!!!! until...approximately 2 in the morning when I woke up and was very stick to my stomach...I'll spare the details ...but it lasted well into the following afternoon...so I avoided school and humans in general.  Anyway I really hope I was not called on to give a news report today...but if I was then hopefully I have had enough others that I volunteered for to be okay.  According to the syllabus it says we went over part two of Chapter 9.  I reviewed the slides to make sure that I am up to par with the rest of the class.  When I saw the title Artificial Intelligence on section two I assumed that we were going to be learning about human-like robots...which was kind of what we were learning about...not totally...but close.  I imagined Wall-E ...a robot with feelings but owell.  I found this section on robotics really interesting.  I have been thinking about getting one of those robot dogs for napoleon and roman to play with just to see if it freaks them out or what will happen.  I still might get one I think it will be entertaining to say the least...not sure how the puppies will handle it but whatever.  I think that this section will be easy to learn and remember for the Exam since it is really interesting in my opinion.  Anyway, I am ready for tuesday ...I really like doing the in class demonstrations because I find them extremely helpful and beneficial, not only to this class.  These are programs we use at work and in other classes and it would be nice to really understand how to actually use them.  (especially Excel, when it comes to accounting I can barely figure out how to use the program).  See you in 2 days :)

November 11

Well unfortunately my dear friend Ashley had to leave early today to pick up her mom from John Wayne Airport, and since we carpool that meant that I had to leave as well.  I do apologize for having to leave 20 minutes early.  Anywho...today we started chapter 9 and to be honest I've had so many final projects and midterms these past two weeks that I have been burnt out and really didn't feel much like learning.  Luckily, a lot of what we learned about today I already learned in my Management 316 class that I am currently taking...so it was almost like a review...parts of it anyway.  In my Management class we just finished learning all about the structure of management and decision making so I enjoyed the fact that I wasn't going to have to learn a lot of new information.  I am also currently the group leader for a project that has 8 people in the group and we basically had to form a corporation ...so this subject was interesting since it applies to what I am currently doing and I was able to think about what we are learning and relate it to what I am doing in my other class.  I did find the whole idea of dashboards slightly boring and rather confusing...probably found them confusing since the topic didn't interest me...owell, I can't expect everything to be super exciting.  Well...I believe we left sometime around learning about OLAP...so I decided to be a good student and go over it and I think you have really good notes and slides on it so it all seems to make sense for the most part.  I know you told us if we had to leave early to stand up and be like "we're done were not taking it anymore"...or something along those lines...but when we were actually leaving we were to scared to do that.  Anyway thats all for now :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

November 6

So TEST DAY...I was rather confused when I walked in today and noticed this lady standing at the front of the room.  At first, I thought that I might have possibly entered into the wrong classroom, especially since some random girl was sitting in my seat.  But then...I noticed that the rest of the people in the classroom looked familiar so maybe the random lady at the front of the class was confused.  Then 5:30 hit and no Mr. Tuggle.  Once the lady started passing out tests we sort of got the point...however, it was rather odd that she did not even introduce herself...owell, she was nice other than that.  I was super freaked out about this test.  I made flash cards, printed out the slides and studied for a total of 8 hours over the week.  I even took the test and was convinced I would do horrible, so imagine my astonishment when I received a 90.  I am stoked!! I just hope there was no mistake...I can't wait to see my exam to try and figure out what I did miss and what I did good guessing on :)  I am also kind of curious if we should just study the exams for the final or if we are responsible for knowing everything...any pointers?  I would like to start studying for it now because I have a hard time trying to memorize all of the stuff and understand it fully for this class...so getting a head start on studying seems like the wisest decision for me.  I was planning on writing my blog for the test day on thursday right afterward, but I was so over school and tests (I had 3 tests that day) that I just went home and didn't look at a computer until today, Sunday.  Today was not fun since I live by the beach and it was SUPER windy.  Not only is there sand all over the floors of my house, but I was planning on going to play golf today and ended up having to cancel due to the ridiculous wind.  Relaxing all weekend was good though, since now I am rested and ready to start another LONG week.  Only another 3 semesters to go :)